## Eagle Talk “The Ultra challenging Pursuit of the Final Revelation”, “Christ in US”
– From Chickens to Eagles…..
… Rom 8:12Phil 3:12-16
– chickens aren’t to dress up as eagles,
this develops a public life only….
Eagles are a change in the nature….
– donkeys to horses, takes a miracle
– slow down developing the flesh world
– do more of developing the spirit world “Jude v3 & v20”
– Eagle life is waiting on the LORD… developing a secret place Ps 91:1
– Chickens are boxed in creatures, Eagles can’t be boxed in, so their pastors have issues with them…
– next of birds I found, a chicken coup doesn’t let them fly away
– chickens believe, Eagles experience God
– I have a problem with ones thinking they’ve arrived, and they don’t even fly yet… they’re in a coup.. not free
“For we have not received the spirit of Bondage again to Fear” Rom8:15a
– chickens trust their cages, Eagles TRUST the Wind… where is your trust…..
– John 14:18b “I will come to you”.. this is wind in your wings.. the Power Scriptures…
“Talking to Eagles Now……”
[the new nature doesn’t play golf, that is the old one]
– How do you say, “I know God, I am complete in Him”
– The 24 Elders, 4 Creatures, and Countless Angels before the Throne cry “Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Alighty, Who Was, Who Is, Who Is to come” [9] Rev 4:8
– These are 9 identities…..
– There is also 9, in a sense of God in 3 persons, God in 3 states, God in 3 Manifestations, can anyone know all 9, we all know in part, but the invincible God, delights in us pursuing Him into the deeper waters of the Spirit Heb11:6…..
You Can Know– But more so, You can Experience
## Pre-Flood – God Talked faced to face
## Abraham – God appeared in 3, God came as real Fire
## Moses – God appeared is most incredible manifestations, from burning bush, to destruction of Egypt, to a Firey mountain and more so
## Elijah – God appeared in fire
## Jesus – God spoke from Heaven, and manifested incredible miracles
## Disciples – Appeared to Paul brighter than the day……
## Will He do this again, can He do this again
– Story of Evan Roberts…
– God, my sheep nation, revival like the Welsh Revival..
Paul states – “Not that I have already attained, but I press towards…. ” [Phil 3:12 – 16]
Jesus is stronger – “In that Hour” & “I will tell you plainly about the Father“ [John 16:25]
Paul speaks further – “That in the Ages to Come“…… [Eph 3]
Jesus Again confirming – “If any man Love Me” [John 13]
“”There is coming crashing on our Global shores, a New Dispensation of New Things, things spoken of in times past, these are coming, with little delay”” Should we not pursue those things that are coming? The Wise virgins, they had that oil of relationship.. the knowing of when and where… “”
– Can’t know where, if not able to see..
– Can’t know when, if not able to hear..
– This is the relationship oil…….
There is great forces wrestling against clarity, revelation, faith and confidence…….. [Eph 6]
## Knowing that now, there is the flood of satanic counter measures, to resist Gods Glory
– Gospel compromise
– Gospel imitations
– deception and denial
– torment and fear
– armies and multitudes of spiritual oppositions, weaponizing even our faith against us – targeting against the Father’s End Game….
– Even Captains and Generals in our Army.. [the case of Rod]
– hindering those not current actively ministering, mocking us, and belittling us [Ton on fasting][Ezek 34]
“However these are the Words are spoken to all and every believer”,
“”Greater is He within us, than He that is in the world”” [how is that working out?] [1John 4:4]
“Seek Him in the secret place and He will reward you in the public place “[Matt 6:6]
– because I find there is a lack of tenacity among the present day ministers to proclaim “come up higher”,
– and then, “how to come up higher”
“”SO I proclaim to you, go up higher into Him, seek Him more, seek Him harder, don’t hold back“”
-and why is there resistance to this?
no, rather they prefer to lie to you… – saying
“you are complete, needing nothing”, however last time I checked, there is nothing complete about nakedness [Rev3:17..]
I see two phases…..
– Recovery, “the taking back what the devil has stolen”
– Reformation, “the pioneering the future generations…”
– “”Recovery “”
## Recovery to Present Revelation Covenant ‘Christ in us, the Hope of Glory’
[Power Scriptures – Eph 1-3, Rom 6-8, John 13-17, Jude, Ps 91]
– to Know first, our present state, a technical guide, to what is the current covenant
– some have slipped into great delusions, in two extremes
1. We believe in God… that is enough…
2. We believe in sonship [born again], that is enough
– The Missing substance
“”what defines the vast difference between a belief in God, or a belief in sonship, alone, is found in Matt 16 and Luke 10:19 and Rev 12…, “He gives us power over satan” where as in times past before Christian, before the revelation of Christ, they had no certain power over satan, only as was gifted by the Holy Spirit, as He willed. Then in a prototype ministry among His disciples, He gave them power of all the power of the devil, as they ministered in the mantle of Jesus. Then when the fullness came, Christ gave us the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of more than speaking in tongues, but rather, “”being free from all darkness””, “”being effective in casting down and casting out, all manner of evil powers, devils, demons, principalities even””” and when the battle is to tough, able to call on the name of Lord, for the greater victories. “””
– in summary— casting out devils, is the greater evidence, than speaking in tongues……. and is an essentual witness and manifestation of Holy Spirit filled Christianity….
“”Eagles deal with rodents, snakes, and all the unwanted prowlers of satan, both within and out of the house of God””
– What do these spiritual critters look like?
– “”Reformation””
Eagle Talk “The Ultra challenging Pursuit of the Final Revelation”, “Christ in US”
– From Chickens to Eagles……..
– Reformation then is about taking the “Recovered Gospel and the true testimony of Jesus”.. into our everyday lives and into effecting the lives of others, both inside and outside the house…
– that others see, the incredible goodness of God, shining through you….
## The “Pursuit of the Final Revelation”… comes in developing a walk in the Holy Spirit…
# Power Scriptures, Eph 1-3, Rom 6-8, 1 Coth 15, 2 Coth 12, Col 1, John 13-17, ‘all of John Gospel and Epistles’, Matt 5-7, Ps91
# When you Give – “Power Giving”
# When you Pray – “Power Prayer”
# When you Fast – “Power Fasting”
# The Character of Christ… on display , is the only sign of “Christ in Us”
“Developing a 5th Column in the House of the Babylonian Church”