New Millennial Challenge – Did you all hear the Last Warning?

New Millennial Challenge

Did you all hear the Last Warning

[Not the last warning to come, just the last warning that happened]

Let me ask you a question, please, let me know the answer

  • If you missed the prophetic warning of this MAJOR 2020 world changing event?
  • WHAT will be the next WARNING, the next world changing event, that you will MISS?

To mindlessly assume this and say, “That because YOU missed this warning, therefore God did not want you to know. That is a blinder based on heretical Calvinism.”

God has so much to say to anyone who wants to listen……That He secured a book of Words, by the blood of many witnesses, He spoke and secured the book of 783,000 words in 66 Books, by 40 prophets and apostles, cared for, interpreted, printed and distributed by thousands upon thousands of witnesses, all who bore record, that this is indeed God’s Holy word………………

If you can get yourself really close to Him, He will talk and talk and talk to you. Sleep will flee, time will disappear, and everything He speaks to you will be a 100% authentic truth that will be confirmed and what is foretold, it will all come to pass, guaranteed. Because He can not lie…….. He gives 780,000 words of His truth and mysteries to the world, for anyone, that will take 80 hours to read in one sitting. How much more will He speak to you, His loving child? He will tell you mysteries and secrets hid from the foundations of the world, He will tell you the things that will come tomorrow. He will tell you things that will be difficult to share to others. You will carry His burdens, His passion, His Joy and His sorrow……………………You will learn about your God and begin to Know Him truly, as your dear Father…

By Hearing we will Future Proof our BELIEVING??

  • How can we Hear more clearly?

The Father spoke through all the prophets from the beginning of time “rising Up early” and then till the last came, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, His beloved Son. All the words of Jesus are given to us, to bring us into a closer walk with the Father. Jesus said it very simply, “Ask and you will receive”.

John’s gospel, chapters fourteen through to seventeen also give the clearest message to the believer on exactly how to walk closely with the Father….

But there has come into the modern Church, many many elements and systems of unbelief, that form strong holds of resistance against the mind, the soul, and more important the heart, which is that which houses and connects our spirit. These, the heart, the mind, the soul, have all become polluted with heresies. These push the NEW Baby Believer into a Flesh Ruled life of Religion.

Among the many Heresies, there is a disturbing growing pollution in the modern prophetic. There is a missing ingredient, that has been replaced by a substitute, a sweet assurance, “Its all gonna be OKAY” However the most foundational aspect of the revealed WORD of God is….

”Warning and Correction”

  • ‘Warning and Correction’ is the prophetic…
  • Jesus said, ‘Like the days of Noah’, “who was WARNED by God” [Heb 11:7]

We throw that away for one miss-represented verse……[1Coth 14:3]

These three words, Edify, Exhort, Comfort, weren’t given to be a Governor, to now say, ‘keep it positive’, which then in essence is saying, “tell me what you want to hear and that is what I will tell you”

Because that verse never describes the VOICE of prophesy

But rather the three channels

      • Edification – To build, there good buildings and there is false buildings [Luke 4:29, 1Coth 3: ]

The false, is to build in a wrong belief system. That by doing your own pleasures you will still be blessed. This can in turn be very destructive. To then expect everything blessed, when the Holy Spirit is placing His finger on things that are in fact, errors of doctrine, belief, or life styles, can be cataclysmic, resulting in a no return situation.

      • Exhortation – Heb 12:5, says this Exhortation is a Chastening

To resist the Fathers chastening, will begin to deform healthy growth and skew the basic inherited blessing package.

      • Comfort – The Word leans more to the actual comfort of one

But none of these THREE, is how to deal with wolves……….

Because we live among wolves, serpents and scorpions, which represent forms of false doctrines and man-made religions…………… These issues of falseness, are terrible Trappings in the Church

The spirit of God will prophesy, it should not be us, but Him, we need to let Him speak, and we all should discern and judge if that is right. If we believe we speak the Oracles of God, then they should be all written down and given their space in time to behold their manifestations.

Dig Deep..…………

Jesus said, “Dig deep”, but the modern movement has lost its pallet for hard work, there is no mining operation for the DEEP “Revealed Truth”, everyone is running around in kindergarten grade revelation…

  • And yet WE all know, “we are living in the DAYS of great apostasy and heresy” and yet still……..
  • The FACTs are out, the Truth needs to be published, that according to Scripture, the greatest enemy the church Faces, is in fact itself and that which is within. I am not running a miss-trust campaign, just pointing to the obvious here.
  • There is no greater enemy to the Liberty in Christ, and the Power of the Holy Spirit, than the spirits of religion, because these are the ones that get inside……….
  • False doctrines, inflated authority, well position enemies of Christ, financial strong holds, works of the flesh, strong-holds of generational religions, and wrong mind-sets…These are all from hell.
  • The worst of these religions and what they all mostly consist of is Idolatry. This is that which God has been placing His Finger on, this is the sin of Christian Idolatry

The sin of Christian Idolatry and The Worship of the Straw-man

A pastor confessed, that when a poor person came for some food money, they gave none, because their policy was to be responsible for the money and not give to unsolicited requests. The statement did sound good for a few seconds at least. That was until it was noted, that their policy was in deep violation to the Word of God…………….

This is border line idolatry, by serving a paper copy of what is deemed right, as written by man. It can’t speak, it can’t see, but somehow when it is created, it has more power than the one who sees all things, who created all things, and who gave us a fixed and certain command as to how to live our believer lives.

God never gave His law and Commands to just bind us up in legal thinking. Rather, because He wants to dwell among us, live among us, be our God and be mighty and awesome on our behalf. He never asks us to do anything that He would not do Himself, He therefore asks us to do as He would do, so that we can truly be the children of God and so that He can bless us and be most incredibly favourable to us.

When the paper-copy version of our Christian faith, or emblems and associations are more important than a living up-to-date relationship with the Father, then they become more of an Idol, than a living church. This happens because of the money. Big money flows into the modern contemporary church movements. Who would want to change this.

Kings Forgiveness of the Adamic Debt [Matt 18:21-35]

This is the parable of the Rulers Forgiveness. Jesus explains the Terms and Conditions of Kingdom is Forgiveness, by this message. The Terms are, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” While there is many mysteries and hidden details in this 70 x 7 phrase, the heart of the issues reveals a long cyclic refining process of forgiveness. Seven refers to being System of Time and a working of God in that system, unto purity, or the end of that endeavour. Like silver refined seven times. The Conditions, “’Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?’” This is absolute, because of the equality of spirit. The Father never asks us to do anything, that He doesn’t fully practise himself.

In the teaching, the compassionate King forgives “ten thousand talents”, which compared with modern currency, this debtor was released from a 1000 year old debt. The value being between $50,000,000 – $100,000,000, what would take an average yearly income a 1000 years to pay back. Associating with a 1000 year period, this can only be the Adamic Debt. Therefore represents the enormous cost of the Adamic Sin, which binds every human born into the earth, to their imprisonment within the earth systems. This one was freely released from all the penalties of the debt, which is the results of being Born Again. This parable therefore is about being saved, given a right to heaven and how to now live ones life in their days in the earth.

Then that one who received from the king failed to reciprocate even a fraction of percentage of forgiveness to another fellow. Not able to forgive an equal for the debt of 1 days wage. The “hundred denarii” debt, is worth about 60-100 Dollars. When the king learnt of this, by the other fellows who told of this, then He reversed the gratuity, and threw him into prison until all was paid. Well that blows out the idea of ‘Once saved, always Saved’. This Parable is also a summary teaching from the Law and the Prophets, this was taught thoroughly in the Old Testament, and Jesus is showing that this principle is how the Kingdom works. In many places on many occasions, the Lord exhorted the House of God, to begin practicing the principles in which they were instructed in. However they mostly refused.

The issues the Father continued to address through the prophets, was their persistence in interpreting the Lords instructions, into their own format, so they could enjoy their contemporary pleasures and even make profit from the religion. What they always failed to understand, is how that Yahweh had set them up in the world, as a First nation, that through their obedience, they would win all the other nations to the Father. This however never happened before Jesus came, but it has always been the plan and is still today a plan, that the Father is bringing into the earth through Jesus.

Religion Destroys a Healthy Spiritual Expectation

False doctrines are a systemic to maintaining and perpetuating the most dismal and pathetic of Spiritual Expectations upon the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven. It is so easy to see a believer controlled by religion, because their personal expectations in God are almost human only…………..again, dismal and pathetic.

What is a Healthy Spiritual Expectation

God will bless you with everything He says in His word, that He will bless you with. No need to list them, just read..

The Word will open our eyes. We should always know what tomorrow brings, nobody should be blind and broke, we all should be retired, because the markets are so easy to trade, because business is easy, because we know what is happening before it happens……..Because the Holy Spirit is revealing tomorrow to us.

The Word of God has an incredible expectation to what is happening in the future, all those who are walking in righteousness. So that those who follow Holy Spirit, should have the same belief.

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