The kingdom Reset…. continued

The kingdom Reset continued……….

I have spent the last 30 years in the word, I know that many have, however I have received some specific revealing in the field of God Time. This ‘revelation’ is very unique, being a powerful tool to help navigate the Chronological Eventing of all Biblical Prophecy.

Knowing the True Biblical Time Scale, all prophetic eventing, by their Time Markers. What is being fulfilled and when, helps give added clarity to just about everything biblical. The unique discovery is in the revelation of an X-Time. This is prophetic time periods, that was made known in a Time Code, of previously unrevealed equations. It is an X-Time.

The revealed Time Codes are simply this : 1 Day = 1 Year and 1 Day = 1000 years.

These two are well known. But there was always an X-Time, a code unrevealed, to hide the Timing of the Day of our Lord Jesus revealing. So hence, the Jewish teachers couldn’t confirm if in fact this was the Christ. But God the Father gave us all the confirmations we needed.

However, now that Christ is revealed, the X-Time that hid the Masters dispensation periods in the earth, also remained hidden. Yet this need not stay hidden, now that He has come.

X-Time is simply this,…… 1 Month [30 Days ] = 1 Hour [Millennial Hour]

[See ‘The Millennial Code’, published 2006]

I have been Studying scripture in this fashion for over 25 years now. Many layers of confirmations, and revelations, have been added to this basic time code principle. I can tell you without any doubt,

that we entered the 6th Trumpet period in the year 2020. That this period is going for 40 years. This is a period of biological warfare. Don’t think for a moment that the world will return to its past glory. There is only one way through this conundrum, that is onwards and upwards.

It doesn’t matter any more what you think God is saying, or the bible teaches. We all need to come back to Him, with open hearts, in prayer, in tears, in weeping, in heart ache, in suffering and in sorrow. For so missing the changing events of these few years. God wants His church, and His harvest and He is working with all those who want what He wants.

The future is unpackaging like the past. The only people in the earth who think that Time is about to Stop, are those believing that Jesus suddenly returns and brings a sudden end to the evil world, is the Christian who have their hope in the Rapture doctrine. But I can tell you in absolutely definitely and certainty, ‘that is not going to happen’.

God has in fact a far greater plan than the sudden ending of all things. As James declares, that Father is a patient Farmer…. Well what does that make us?

God has His eyes and heart set on the great harvest. Will you join into His End Days campaign?

There will need to be some changes to do so…………

The truth is, there will need to be many many changes. We as His special Envoy of Holy Ghost Saints, can’t go on into the future while being so blind-sided by the tricks of satan. Things need to change. He is bringing the next harvest in, the very same way He brought all the previous harvests in, that is through His children. But this time, there will be some extremely noticeable changes.

Well what are these changes? These are the changes that happen in us. For those who know their God will do exploits. The Key is in the Knowing.

Do you have any idea as to how Great our God truly is? You can only discover this by dedicating your life to prayer, service, scripture, fasting and a devout holy uncompromising relationship with Jesus, Holy Spirit and our Father………. Truth and power of any importance, [that has any significance against the forces we face], needs to be discovered and hence given from Him.

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